At Harley Street Specialist Hospital our elite surgical team offer a wide range of highly regarded and effective treatments for all manner of foot and ankle injuries and conditions. Within our state-of-the-art facility we champion and perform keyhole surgery where possible to reduce patient discomfort and minimise recovery time.

Our expert consultants will assess the problem and offer a bespoke solution designed to guarantee a comprehensive and lasting recovery. In short, we are proud to claim that your feet are in safe hands. A summary of our more commonly performed day-case surgical treatments are:
Achilles tendon repair
This procedure requires a general anaesthetic as well as a local injection into the back of the knee around the nerves. This minimally invasive technique hastens recovery and reduces the chance of the tendon rupture recurring.
Ankle fusion surgery
This is performed on patients with arthritis or an ankle fracture, where the cartilage in the joint is damaged. Again, it involves a general anaesthetic as well as an injection to numb the area at the site of the operation. Any damaged cartilage is removed before the two main bones of the ankle, the tibia and talus, are fused together. A 12-week period of convalescence is typically required, although it can take up to a year to make a full recovery.
Ankle joint preservation surgery
A treatment for severe ankle arthritis, this surgery uses the body’s natural healing processes to repair damaged cartilage in the ankle. The bones are gently pulled apart to create space and are fixed using pins and an external frame. Hinges in the frame mean that you can still move your ankle and you will be able to bear your full weight through your foot immediately after surgery.
Ankle ligament reconstruction surgery
If you are suffering from an ankle sprain or instability then damaged ligaments may well be the cause. Treatment normally involves an initial arthroscopic examination to establish if a simple repair is possible using stitches. In some cases, the ligament may require strengthening using support from other tissues. You will need to wear a cast for a couple of weeks followed by a support boot for a further four, after which your foot should be able to bear full weight and you can return to normal activities.
Arthroscopy (keyhole surgery)
This involves the insertion of a small telescope and instruments through miniscule incisions in the ankle joint. Images are displayed on a monitor in the operating theatre. This procedure is minimally invasive and allows ankle fusion surgery or the repair of ligaments or tendons to be completed with the least possible discomfort to the patient. Other benefits include reduced scarring, faster healing, less risk of infection, shorter hospital time and quicker rehabilitation.
Big toe joint fusion surgery
This type of surgery treats big toe arthritis, and is performed under a general anaesthetic. It requires a minor incision to be made on top of the big toe and the removal of damaged bone, prior to the fusion of the joint with a tiny plate and screw. A return to low impact sports is possible after around six weeks but walking long distances should be avoided initially.
Bunion surgery
If you are suffering with a bunion or hallux valgus, a bony lump that appears at the bottom of the big toe, causing it to bend inwards, you may need bunion surgery. An incision is made along the toe, the bones are separated and re-sited, then fixed in position by tiny screws. Average recovery time is about 12 weeks, but minor swelling can last for up to a year. Surgery for Tailor’s Bunion, a specific condition characterized by a small protrusion from the joint at the bottom of the little toe, is also available. This again involves a small cut above the lump, which is then removed with the bones realigned and pinned in place. Six weeks recovery is typical for this operation.
Often caused by arthritis, and resulting in pain and stiffness, a bony joint can sometimes form at the top of the big toe. The procedure to remove it is known as cheilectomy and is normally done as a day case under general anaesthetic. Full weight bearing is gained after about 6 weeks, with a return to normal activities and exercise after 3 months.
Flat foot surgery
If you experience pain when running or walking, have swollen ankles or a numbness or a tingling sensation on the inner ankle or foot, you are likely to have flat feet. We can offer surgery to correct this problem, designed to ease your pain and ensure even weight distribution when you are walking or standing. It is normally a two-stage process involving a repair of the tendons and ligaments supporting the arch, followed by a reshaping of the bone to renew the arch. Your foot will remain in a plaster cast for up to 6 weeks, at which time physiotherapy is recommended to improve fitness, balance, flexibility, and strength.
Foot fusion surgery
The aim of this treatment is the permanent fusion of separate bones in the foot. It is used to cure flat feet, rheumatoid arthritis and fractures that have not healed properly or are caused by general wear and tear. Both midfoot and hindfoot fusion are possible. The foot is encased in a plaster cast for 12 weeks and a mid-term X-ray is undertaken to confirm the bones are healing correctly.
Morton’s neuroma surgery
An irritating and often painful condition, Morton’s neuroma is normally found in the nerve between the third and fourth toes and may involve one or both feet. A miniscule incision is made between the toes to make more space around the nerve. Post-surgery, a special orthopaedic shoe is recommended to protect the foot and full recovery and a return to sporting activities is expected in 3 to 6 weeks.
Toe fusion surgery
This procedure is performed to straighten the joint or joints of the toe and can correct deformities such as mallet toe, claw toe and hammer toe. It is performed under a general anaesthetic, in which the toe is straightened and fixed in position with metal wire or a clip. After the operation, your foot is bandaged, the stitches and wires are removed in 2 to 4 weeks and sporting activity can be resumed within a couple of months.
Private foot and ankle treatment at Harley Street Specialist Hospital
It can be debilitating to experience foot and ankle pain and may have a significant impact on mobility and quality of life.
We offer a range of innovative and highly specialised treatments, including surgical and non-surgical options to relieve pain and restore mobility.
If you require any diagnostic tests and scans, these can normally be performed on the same day, so you have a clear and accurate diagnosis and can decide on the best treatment plan as quickly as possible. Surgical treatment or joint injections are performed in our modern, well-equipped day case theatre or minor operation suite.
Why choose Harley Street Specialist Hospital?
At Harley Street Specialist Hospital, you can expect:
- Our team of expert foot and ankle surgeons to offer rapid assessment and the latest treatments in comfortable central London surroundings, as well as video consultations from the comfort of your own home.
- Holistic care where you are an equal partner in the creation of your individualised treatment plan.
- State of the art diagnostic imaging – you don’t need to go elsewhere as we have in house X-ray, ultrasound and image intensifiers.
- Day-case and outpatient investigations and surgical procedures in a modern clinical setting.
- No waiting lists and your treatment can take place at a convenient time for you.
We welcome patients with private medical insurance or those wishing to pay for their own treatment.