Preparing for your visit
We understand that you may feel a little apprehensive before your visit for day-case surgery but rest assured that our team will do everything they can to inform and reassure you ahead of your procedure.
If you have any questions prior to your visit, please don’t hesitate to contact your consultant, or call our friendly booking team on +44 (0)20 4513 2244 or email They will be only too happy to help.
Please remember that there will be restrictions on what you can consume in the 12 hours preceding surgery; it is vital to follow these instructions, otherwise your operation will not be able to go ahead.
To view our patient information leaflet please click here.
Please carefully read and download our Patient Terms and conditions here.

About the hospital
There are disabled facilities around the hospital, including the main reception.
If you are unable to attend your appointment, please contact your consultant as soon as possible as failure to do so may incur cancellation charges.
Smoking is not permitted throughout the hospital and mobile phone usage is prohibited in most areas.
Whether you are coming in for surgery or an outpatient procedure, you will be asked Coronavirus screening questions. You will be asked to take your temperature at our state-of-the-art thermal imagining unit and use the antibacterial hand gel provided.
Points to remember
If your procedure is covered by an insurer (Bupa or similar) it is important that you contact them before arriving at the hospital to obtain an authorisation number. This will be used to process your claim. Without this number, we will be unable to charge your insurance company and you will have to pay the full fee for your procedure and outpatient charges on the day of attendance. If you are self-funding, you will be asked for payment when you register. For all patients, credit card details will be required to pay for sundry items, e.g. take home medication.
Planning your return home
You may be away from your family for a whole day. You will not be able to drive or operate any machinery or equipment for 24 hours after your procedure, so it is important to arrange to be collected or accompanied home.
What to bring
We aim to ensure that you are as comfortable as possible during your visit.
Please dress casually, with no restrictive clothing. You might like to bring a book or magazine.
You will need to remove make-up and nail varnish before surgery. However, this does not apply to artificial nail enhancements.
Please do not bring large sums of money, jewellery or valuable items. Please note the hospital cannot accept responsibility for items not secured in the hospital safe.
If you would like to benefit from easily accessible day-case surgery and compassionate care from an expert team, please visit our consultant list page and to book an appointment, please email, use our contact form or call +44 (0)20 4513 2244.