Can The NHS Help With Lower Back Pain?

The NHS is known for its world-class healthcare provision. But with increasing waiting times, fewer staff, and ongoing disruption from the Covid-19 pandemic, it’s become more difficult for patients to access NHS care for low back pain [1-2]. But back pain is a serious issue. The NHS estimates lower back pain alone is the reason…

The Dark Side Of Epidural Steroid Injections: Risks & Complications

Epidural steroid injections are used to deliver corticosteroid medication into your spine, relieving pain from chronic or debilitating conditions like sciatica and other nerve compression problems. Generally, epidural steroid injections are a safe way to manage severe or chronic back pain. Research indicates a steroid injection success rate of 50% to 84%, depending on the…

Cortisone Injections For Shoulder Pain: Uses, Results, Side Effects

Shoulder pain affects up to a third of people at some point in their lives [1]. In fact, it’s the third most common musculoskeletal problem reported to GPs, after back and neck pain. Cortisone injections for shoulder pain can help alleviate uncomfortable symptoms stemming from many different shoulder problems. From arthritis to sports injuries, shoulder…