Mr Abhinav Gulihar

Mr Abhinav Gulihar is a highly experienced and well regarded consultant shoulder and upper limb surgeon practising in the London area. He is a specialist in conditions such as inflammation, arthritis, fractures and sports injuries affecting the shoulder, elbow, wrist, and hand.

Mr Mohamed Ahmed

Mr Mohamed Ahmed is a Consultant Orthopaedic Spinal Surgeon with NHS practice at Princess Alexandra Hospital, Harlow. Mr Ahmed completed his speciality training in Norway and undertook a complex spinal surgery fellowship in Cardiff.   He was appointed as Consultant Orthopaedic Spinal surgeon at Haukeland University Hospital, Norway.

Mr Raj Bhatia

Mr Raj Bhatia runs the Harley Hand & Wrist Clinic at Harley Street Specialist Hospital. He has over 20 years of experience. Raj aims to deliver the highest standard of care to his patients by keeping abreast of developments, auditing results and using the latest techniques to improve patient outcomes.

Dr Fariborz Neirami

Dr Fariborz Neirami

For first class day-case surgery, look no further. T: +44 (0)20 4513 2244 E: Make an enquiry Dr Fariborz Neirami BSc, MD, FRCA, FFPMRCA, FCARCSI Consultant in Pain Medicine Overview Dr Fariborz Neirami is a consultant in pain medicine and spinal intervention at King’s College Hospital. He completed his fellowship training in St George’s…

Mr Ravinder Pabla

Mr Ravinder Pabla

Mr Ravinder Pabla BSc, BDS, MFDS, MBBS, MRCS, FRCS (OMFS) is a respected Consultant Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon based at the Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust.

Mr Berber

Mr Onur Berber

Mr Onur Berber is a Consultant Surgeon in Trauma and Orthopaedics, specialising in all conditions affecting the hand, wrist and elbow as well as injuries of the upper limb. His NHS consultant practice is based at The Royal Free Hospital in London.

Mr Shahrier Sarker

Mr Shahrier Sarker

Consultant Orthopaedic Hand & wrist surgeon Mr Shahrier Sarker MBBS MSc (Ortho Engr) FRCS (Trauma & Ortho) is a caring, dedicated practitioner, whose clear communication and expertise means every patient receives first-rate treatment. Orthopaedic surgery is much more than a job to him, it is a vocation.

Mrs Mitchener

Mrs Anne Mitchener

Mrs Anne Mitchener BSc PhD MB BChir FRCS FRCS(SN) AoEC is a consultant neurosurgeon who specialises in the treatment of degenerate spine, including referred pain in the neck, back, neck, arms, and legs. Minimising intervention is at the heart of her approach, using minimally invasive surgical techniques and injections wherever appropriate. With over 20 years’ spinal surgery experience, she also holds two psychology degrees, and being able to help her patients return to their normal lifestyles gives her enormous satisfaction.

Mr Ali Noorani

Professor Ali Noorani

Mr Ali Noorani MBBS BSc (Hons) MRCS FRCS (Trauma & Orth) is a renowned upper limb orthopaedic and trauma surgeon, focusing on the shoulder and elbow. He has treated numerous professional sportspeople and complex sports injuries and trauma cases are regularly referred to him by colleagues.

Professor Noorani graduated from Imperial College School of Medicine in 2000 before working on the Royal London Hospital rotation and Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital. Specialist fellowship training followed at The Royal Liverpool Hospital on the Upper Limb fellowship programme. He has also trained widely in the US.