Our team of experienced surgeons offer breast enlargement, breast reduction, breast uplift and breast implant removal or replacement.
The first step is a detailed consultation with one of our experienced cosmetic surgeons. They will discuss with you the results you wish to achieve, the technique they will use, along with advising you of any risks and details of anticipated recovery.
Please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss the options for your treatment on +44 (0)20 4513 2244 or email bookings@HSSH.clinic.

Breast augmentation (enlargement)
Breast augmentation is currently the most common cosmetic procedure in the UK. Also known as breast enlargement or the “boob job”, it is a highly effective procedure providing thousands of women with renewed body confidence every year. Many women are unhappy with their breasts, often after pregnancy or weight loss. Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure to achieve the desired results of greater volume and a rounder shape.
Our surgeons ensure that great care is taken to really understand the results you wish to achieve. It is important that a natural shape is retained, and your enhanced breasts are a size which suit you. Our experienced surgeons will discuss the range of techniques which can be utilised along with any risks and details of anticipated recovery.
Breast enlargement can be achieved with implants or alternatively “fat transfer” to add volume with more subtle results. Only the highest quality implants are used, the long-term safety of our patients is paramount. The procedure is performed under local anaesthetic and usually takes around 90 minutes.
Your surgeon will discuss all the options with you and will ensure you’re fully aware of what the operation involves.
Breast uplift (mastopexy)
You may be happy with the size of your breasts but the natural effects of ageing and/or pregnancy and childbirth may have changed their shape and left them looking much less pert. An increasing number of women are opting for breast uplift surgery to restore the natural fullness to their breasts and feel confident in their bodies again.
A breast uplift is a more extensive surgical procedure than breast augmentation, which usually just involves inserting implants. However, in some cases, a breast lift and a breast augmentation can be done simultaneously to achieve the desired end result.
During Mastopexy pleats of surplus skin are removed from underneath the breast, the breast itself is remodeled into a tighter cone and the nipples are repositioned at a higher level so that they lie at the points of the tightened breasts. The procedure is performed under a general anaesthetic and unusually takes 2-3 hours.
Your surgeon will discuss all the options with you and will ensure you’re fully aware of what the operation involves.
Breast reduction/mammoplasty
Women with overly large breasts can suffer from physical discomfort such as back and neck pain and feel self-conscious about their bodies. We regularly perform breast reduction for those women who want breasts that are in proportion with the rest of the body, or who want relief from back or neck pain caused by overly large breasts.
The mammoplasty procedure itself is carried out under general anaesthetic and typically takes between two and four hours. There are various reduction techniques and the right option for you will depend on the size and shape of your breasts and the results you want to achieve.
Your surgeon will discuss all the options with you and will ensure you’re fully aware of what the operation involves.
Breast implant removal or replacement
If you’re unhappy with the appearance of your current breast implants or have experienced a problem with them, then you may be considering implant removal / replacement surgery.
Possible reasons for removing or replacing your breast implants:
- Ruptured/deflated implants
- Concern about the integrity of your implants – perhaps following the PIP scandal
- ‘Bottoming out’ – when the implants sink below the natural breast crease
- Capsular contracture – where the implants change & become firm
- Perhaps you’re considering starting a family and are anxious about breastfeeding with implants
- You may feel that your breast implants no longer suit your body or they are the wrong size and shape
There are a number of different treatment options available to you depending on the look you wish to achieve and the condition of your current implants. Your surgeon will be able to discuss the various procedures to see which approach is right for you.
Subcutaneous mastectomy (male gynaecomastia)
Gynaecomastia is a common disorder of the male breast where there is a benign glandular enlargement, often referred to as “man boobs”.
This condition is estimated to affect around 50 percent of men. It usually consists of the appearance of a flat pod of glandular tissue behind the nipple that becomes tender at the same time. Gynaecomastia can occur in one or both breasts.
Usually, the growth is only for a short period of time and is not permanent. Rarely, the breast tissue continues to grow. Though certain drugs and medical problems may be linked with male breast overdevelopment, there is no known cause in the vast majority of cases.
For men who feel self-conscious about their appearance, surgery to remove breast tissue can help. The procedure involves removing fat or glandular tissue from the breasts, and in extreme cases removes excess skin, resulting in a chest that is flatter, firmer, and better contoured.
Why choose Harley Street Specialist Hospital?
At Harley Street Specialist Hospital, you can expect:
- All your consultations and surgery will be with your chosen Consultant Plastic Surgeon, fully qualified and accredited with the Royal College of Surgeons.
- Appointments and treatment will take place in comfortable central London surroundings, as well as the option for video consultations from the comfort of your own home.
- Holistic care where you are an equal partner in the creation of your individualised treatment plan.
- Day-case surgical procedures in a modern clinical setting.
- Your treatment can take place at a convenient time for you.